The most famous painter from Eberbach's past, Rudolf Epp (1834 - 1910,) is represented in the museum's collection with large paintings, but can only be shown temporarily due to lack of space. He came from a family of masons and whitewashers in Eberbach. He had studied at the newly founded academy in Karlsruhe and then settled in Munich in 1863 as a genre painter. He painted Alpine, rural scenes and was a sought-after portraitist who enjoyed great success. In "Liebesbrief" (Love Letter) of 1909, he returned to a theme of 17th-century Dutch painting, but translated it into his own time. The picture of the woman standing in front of a window reading a letter is filled with impressionist light. Epp's person and work were honoured in a comprehensive exhibition here at the museum in 2018. The catalogue can be purchased at the museum box office.